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Tired of alwayssavingthe princess?Bethe princess who saves a whole kingdom, explore mysterious worlds, solve mysteries, or fight bad guys with the best of em in these great games. In recent years, a ton of excellent games have featured female protagonists. Covering a variety of consoles, the games on this list all feature strong female role models for kids of all genders and ages. From action-packed RPGs to gentle strategy games, we have something for everyone. And for more girl power, be sure to take a look at our listsBooks with Strong Female CharactersandBest Smart Movie Girls.
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Headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, D.C.
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Kids Digital Well-Being is Common Sense.
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13 Smartest Female Characters from Movies, TV, and Books
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Best for Character Development for Kids
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The best media for your family, hand-picked by our editors.
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Books with Strong Female Characters
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Utiliza los medios y la tecnologa de forma positiva
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NOT let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title
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Special Needs and Learning Difficulties
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Profoundly moving tale of parents and terminally ill son.
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Original, accessible, fun RPG stars lots of strong females.
Nintendo Wii U, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox 360, Xbox One
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Character Strengths and Life Skills