An extended collection of game-y resources for kids grade 3 to 6.
In every ecosystem there is afood chain. In the food chain, species can beconsumers(who eat other species), orproducers(who are eaten by other species), or both. The populations can depend on each other. Find out how in this game ofrabbits, foxes, and weeds. What happens during and after the simulated 50 years?
They provide sponsor and provide some interesting thinking logic, physics, brain-teaser, math games, and they ensureall content isfamily safe, meaning specifically no violence and that kind of shit. They have sponsored a few games that are featured in the menu above.
The game does an amazing job at recreating an engaging, playable version of real-world mechanical puzzle blocks, and thats sure to workthe visual-spatial part of your braininto shape!
You are todesign conveyor beltsfor Quality Assurance department of a robot manufacturer. The robots, pre-programmed with a series of colored dots, sometimes include invalid programs (invalidpatterns). Your job is to send the quality-control-passing robots for wrapping, and the rest on the factory floor.
If terms likeallele,homozygote,heterozygote,dominantandrecessivetraits,mean anything to you, or even if they dont (yet) but youfancy some elementary biology, this game is for you! Field-introductorysimple-English instructions provided.
The only major problem I see is that round objects tend to move and not stay still when on a slope.
Get electricity from point A to point B, using every sort of tool imaginable. Kind of like the electrical-only counterpart of The Incredible Machine. No disrespect to The Incredible Machine series.
Interested in animals, nature, the environment? Catch a glimpse of this natural science.
A game similar to chess, with some moves similar toChinese chess. Practicing with this fun toy may improve ones game in both.
Program the robotand light up the fields. This is a much enhanced sequel that now supportsconditional statements, and it doesnt suffer the clumsy controls like theoriginalversion…
How does this translate to the real-world economy and social class, and what does it mean for it?
The elders knowWindows is a sinister operating system. This is a (not so funny)parody of Microsoft Windows, their cumbersome, under-performant, erronous ways, and the associated back doors. SeewhyGNU/Linux is better.
Take apart these twenty3D interlocking mechanical block puzzles. It will kill time all the while ever so slightly increasing your spatial awareness.
BTYB CoderDojo SloveniaExtreme Opinions
The reviewer is shy to admit she doesnt really understand any of this game. Sorry. Please add to this description as convenient.
This is a very lovely game about (human) cells. Progressively discoverwhat the cells are made ofand what functions all their constituents perform, all the while playing through a fun, thrilling story. You should love this.
Playing these games will make you a better computer programmer.
Have fun engineering your way through these puzzle games.
in the above list ofsimilar sites. Add better games here and yourself as contributor. 🙂
A collection of links to engineering games,bestof which are recollectedin the main menu above.
This is a sequel to the originalCodex of Alchemical Engineering. It features original puzzles made by the author and game fans, butbeware, thesepuzzles are extremely challenging; each one might take you hours to complete, depending on how attentive you are.
A site withlots of word games, especially, by SpellingCity.
A similar site tothis onebut with mostlyengineering-related games, and, while larger, perhaps less distinguished collection.
Seeking more educative material, search foreducational gamesonline, and compareour selection of gameswith your findings or the more varied selection on major established sites likeNewgroundsorKongregate. You might find the state of affairs quite sad, or at least that good, fungames that actually teach somethingare relatively hard to find. Here are some other sites we found that list games, more or less educative in various fields. The most satisfying of those should have been collected in themenu above, but for moreinteractive, story-type games, suitable for even younger children, check out the following websites too.Similar sites
Add to games descriptions where there are none or insufficient.
Become in unity with your keyboard, reach 110 WPM.
Truly a game for engineers. Your goal is tobuild machines out of programmable mechanical armsthat move and transform basic elements to create compounds as required to pass each level.
Your favorite agrobusiness monopolist had produceda new strain of super-potent super-crop. They have employed you tofind the optimum conditions for the growth of this weedto make it commercially viable.
A logic primer. Each level asks you topick the heaviest objectbased on therelative weights indicated by the slantof each seesaw. While the game is not thatrewardingend-wise, some of the later 6-seesaw puzzles may have even the adults scratching their heads.
Brainteasers & Puzzlesby the University of Cambridge
Dive in the world of Hackers and help SYNC fix the hipster vandalism of The Dead Pixel Society.
Another Microsoft Research spin-off with couple dozens original educative games.
Ed Heads created several interactive activities covering various modern fields of applied science,targeted to younger primary school childrenin the US.
Improve your personality and abilities in various other fields.
Its a pretty easy game, though. Definitely use the keyboard shortcuts.
Defend the Moon from evil destroyers by spelling out on your keyboard their words. A goodtower defense gamethat will increase your typing skills.
F.P.S. is a programming gamesimilar tolight-Bot, but withmore options, more contrasting colors,more levels, and more relevant (programming)terminology.
A beautiful game that guides you through grandpas house and thehistory of sheet music. Melodious music box will let you piece together special compositions of symphonious secrets. When you unlock Creative Mode, you can write your own outstanding arrangements!
in order to teach themselves science
Theelectric circuit constructiongame. The goal of this electricity game is to connect up all of the power sources for a full flowing circuit sharing continuous, perpetual energy.
If you like these kinds of games, you may want to go to your local university and get an engineering or computer science degree.;)
Ill just leave this here. A whole lot ofeducational interactives filterable by grades and disciplines.
Given basicfunctional building blocks, construct a contraption that reaches its goal.
Doesextra-terrestrial intelligent life, capable of communicating with us, exist? The question is easier to address when framed as a numbers game. Its called theDrake Equation. Learn about theprobabilityof another civilization in our galaxy by playing with the numbers yourself.
Find the games in themenu above. Most games requireAdobe Flash, others are links to their respective websites.>
If youhave a suggestionfor an educative game or even a whole new category,write a commentbelow, or better yet, if you wish, just add the new game(s) yourself via a pull request onGitHub.:)
Simulate thegenetic pea experimentsof Gregor Mendel with this game. It wont take you years to figure and test it out.
Jahoomas LogicBox is a game for programmers. It effectively teaches the essence offunctionalandmodular design of algorithms and procedures, with an added aspect of test-driven development (you are given several tests that must all pass).
GLS, a division of University of Winsconsin-Madison creates games that promote engaging ways of learning about biological systems, civic activism, pro-social behavior, programming, and otherSTEMfields. However, most games require Unity3D and thus cannot (yet) be listed here.
KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
Not your typical, trivial cogs game. Using gears, gear trains, ratios, and other simple components, you are geared up for …building a real wall clock mechanism.
Not too dificult puzzle game where you have to free an item from a set ofinterlocking piecesthat all move at the same time and in unsynchronized speeds, much like in a clock.
Darwin recognized thatspecies evolve over time as their environment changes. In this interactive visualization, see for yourself how a changing environment (represented by changing background color) can impact the evolution of a population of virtual creatures. Like real-world organisms, these creatures are born, produce offspring some of which randomly mutates and die off. How will they evolve?
The games provided by this team are truly anexemplary resource of educational material, several of which have been kindly listed here. The ingenious team of varied-level postgrads had created this as part of some ancient government-funded boosting program, pre-2004, and has since resolved. What a shame for humanity!
If you only play oneprogramming gamehere, play this one!;)
When you complete it, there is a (warning:very challenging)sequelavailable.
Smart Kit: School-Safe Games & Puzzles
The problems are highly practical low level string manipulation. With only 19 levels, the game runs a little short, but there is no shortage of educational fun to be had! Dont skip this one.
Design the technical specifications, namely the elevation at each step, for a workingroller-coasterin supposedly physically-correct simulation.
Move like a chess Knight, kill the pawns, kill the King, open locks, collect the star. A fun,chess-relatedgame.
Given a target color, find its RGB light (or CYM paint) value.
Theres at least oneeffective algorithmto solve these challenges fairly quickly. Can you find it?
Send Alice in Wonderland characters to save the library from nasty ink blots. A funtyping game.
Gathering up useful resources forcourse, one of us stumbled uponlight-Bot 2andRoboZZleatHappyNerds wonderful collection ofprogramming resources for kids.
How long can you maintain the state ofconcentrated awareness? Try andimprove yourselfwith this minimalistic game that offers insight into conscious transe state similar to that after meditation. You should exercisemeditationoften.
How well do you know your flags? Go around the world in 80 seconds to find out andlearn about different flags and their origins.
The game is a little short on introduction, but when everything clicks, The Codex of Alchemical Engineering might just become one of the most captivating logic puzzle experiences youve encountered in years.
One game led to the other, and after a few days of ecstatic playing I figured I would make the job easier for others pursuing the same task searching forgames with real educational valuethat help onedevelop not only the interactive problem-solving skills, but also create very realhands-on experienceor certain depth ofunderstanding of a particular real-world field. And for watchful parents and their likes. Gathered here are, incidently, some of thebest puzzle games ever created.