9 Puzzle Adventure Games Like Myst

The word free world ofMachinariummakes it a curiously fascinating adventure and appropriate for those seeking something less intense than Myst in the puzzle department (thanks to the help systems in place).

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Check out the new puzzle/adventure game Tall Tails just released on IOS for freedon`t let the cuteness fool youthis game will Break Your Brain (in a good way)

Thanks for the list. I wish there were more games offered for the Mac OS. :/ Also, someone already mentioned these, but the Syberia games were definitely great fun!

Drawn: The Painted Tower (Big Fish Games)

It offers a great puzzle adventure experience and is available on your portable devices (Android and iOS). In my opinion it is one of the best in the mobile space with very few titles offering the level of depth that youll find within the game.

This will guarantee that the game will work on your computer system as all games in the GOG collection have been updated to work in current versions of Windows (and you wont ever lose your copy again).

The 7th GuestandThe 11th Hourare puzzle adventures developed by Trilobyte at around the same time as the originalMyst. This pair was a great success on PC and Mac and has since been ported over to iOS devices.

TheDrawnseries is a casual adventure collection with a focus on puzzle solving. If you prefer the hardcore puzzles thenDrawnis best skipped for the more difficult experiences featured above.

Tom Fattes5 years agofrom Naperville, IL

Myst used to be one of my favorites.

In thePortalgames, players are armed with the portal gun, which creates two connected wormholes between any two flat surfaces. The titles also has many other puzzle mechanics, including bridges, turrets, lasers and companion cubes.

We just released a new iPad adventure game called Puzzle House: Mystery Rising. which is similar in many ways to Myst and The Room series. It has the 3D control like the room, but adds a 3D journal, and a robot visitor who helps you solve some of the puzzles. It is the first game of three planned games.

2. shivers 2 (….never payed the second one but i have heard the first was better).

I just released a new iPad adventure game called Tipping Point which is similar in many ways to Myst.

oh also return to mysterious island….i played the second one and its not that hard but is like myst

TheSecret of Grisly Manorhas you exploring your uncles mansion, solving puzzles and looking for clues to find out what has happened to him.

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I played Myst years ago and loved it. I then graduated to Riven but found it a lot harder and eventually I gave in. The kids used to sit with me and help me play. Now that I think about it I sure do miss those days. Might have to get it out again and have another go.

The puzzles in Gray Matter have great variety and include word games, riddles, magic tricks and mazes, all of which have a balanced difficultly level to keep you progressing forward at a consistent pace.

1. shivers ( favorite out of the myst style games)

Myst was by far one of the best puzzle games I ever played.

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I like them all, but Machinarium is the best. Thank you for the list 🙂

I always enjoyed the Syberia games; a bit less challenging than Myst, but fun; and Portal 1 2 are hilarious as well as challenging (or should I say testing?). Great lens.

Thanks a million! Myst is my all time fav, Kings quest were also really good but might be too outdated now, def gonna try the rest out if I can find them!

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To aid players,Machinariumoffers a hint system involving two tiers. In each level, the player may receive one hint (although these become vaguer the further you advance through the story). Alternatively a walkthrough can be accessed at any time by completing a mini-game.

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Are you looking for puzzle adventure games like? The adventure genre has slowly been declining in recent years, but there are still some great titles available on different platforms.

Gray Matter is an adventure point-and-click available for Windows and the Xbox 360 with a slightly darker storyline to those previously featured here.

Uniquely, there are no weapons inAmnesia, which forces the player to rely on stealth and hiding to avoid the monsters that are present in the castle. Players must also manage their sanity, which decreases the longer the player is in darkness or when they witness a scary event.

Axel & Pixelis a point-and-click puzzle adventure that was released in 2009 on the Xbox Live Arcade for Xbox 360. In 2010, it was also released on Steam for Windows.

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Even though the game is entirely controlled with a point-and-click interface it still has a very Myst feel to it due to the story unfolds and the general puzzle designs.

Try Aura and Aura 2. Also great Myst like games!

the black mirror series is also a great choice for adventure gamers especially the first and the second parts

Love Myst the game. I think I still have the PC version. Great list of games.

5. Frankenstein: through the eyes of the monster( starring TIM CURRY as dr frankenstein)

The majority of the game takes place in Oxford and follows the story of a street performer and magician named Samantha and a strange neurobiologist known as Professor David Styles.

The game follows a painter named Axel and his dog Pixel, who wake up in a dream world that is both unique, memorising and frightening. Together they must solve the various mysteries and puzzles and ultimately escape while fulfilling Axels dream.

The Secret of Grisly Manor Gameplay

Think the Drawn series sounds perfect for you? Grab the bundle pack and youll save.

@johnsja: i totally agree with you and the kids times. we played lighthouse by sierra and it scared the pants off us, lol. great times

The Secret of Grisly Manor Gameplay

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ThePortalseries has had critical success and offer a great puzzle-based experience withPortal 2introducing co-operative play to the series with great success.

Portal Bundle [Portal 1 & 2] (Kinguin)

@anonymous: LOVE Shivers to this day… I recently had to give it to my brother and his wife to re-play. Its a family favorite.

I recommend picking up both titles at once in the handy Portal bundle which provides access to both games for one convenient price, while the games arent directly related playing them in order will let you get a better grasp of the mechanics and any running jokes in the series.

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you overlooked Nancy Drew games. Very puzzle oriented, click and move, games that require thinking! Quite a rare breed of computer games, but those are also fun.

Mystwas a highly popular and critically acclaimed adventure series that spanned 1993-2005. The non-violent gameplay focused on players solving puzzles and attracted a massive casual audience (including myself). TheMystseries offers challenging, complex puzzles, simple but beautiful graphics, and deep rewarding gameplay.

Amnesiais a survival/horror/puzzle blend, while it doesnt have a large puzzle focus likeMyst, the game offers great (and scary) gameplay with some puzzles thrown in.

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Please be careful if you decide to purchase some of the older titles in theMystseries in their physical boxes as the age of these titles opens up a number of potential system issues. If you are unsure, please make a digital purchase through Good Old Games ) instead.

My husband used to play Myst before we had kids – hes trying to get my son to have a try now.

I never understood why they call these adventure games. Isnt every game supposed to involve some kind of adventure? I always thought of them as being puzzle games.

Im surprised neither Kings Quest or Antichamber were listed. Kings Quest is an older point and click series, and Antichamber is a more recently released bizarre optical illusion of a game, both are amazing puzzle games/series. I was just playing Kings Quest 6 earlier today ^_^

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No one has mentioned another Sierra game that was point and click and was just awesome at around the same time of Myst. Called Shivers there was also a sequel Shivers 2 Harvest of the Soul but although the puzzles were hard it just didnt have the coolness of wondering around an abandon Museum that had cool unique music in each room. Shivers 1 was my favorite next to Myst back in the mid 90s.

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yes its a point and click puzzle game but that doesnt mean every single point and click puzzle game is the same…. here are some games that are a hell of a lot more like Myst that are not even mentioned…..

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it seems like the people that write these 20 games like this game never actually played the game there talking about or never played the games there comparing to it…..

Meryl van der Merwe3 years agofrom USA

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@anonymous: The Room is awesome! Great way to get hooked back into these types of games. I loved Myst and am really happy to find it available for iOS

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Myst used to be one of my favorites.

Eleanor Candy5 years agofrom Australia

I just got Vanished: The Island, and so far its great.

Drawn is one of my favourite casual puzzle games, while it wont test your brain as much as the other options on this list its slower paced approach is a nice change of pace and shifts the focus towards the story and characters.

there are a few more that i played back in the day but i cant remember the names of them…..

Im amazed nobody mentioned sanitarium! Definitely one of the best and creepy bizarre puzzle games out there. Should be 4 for sure!

Mystwas one of the first puzzle adventures I ever played, and still one of the best after all these years. I hope you enjoy this collection of similar experiences that Ive put together. Please let me know in the comments section which alternative is your favourite, or share any games likeMystthat you think I missed.

The title follows the journey of Daniel as he explores a dark castle while avoiding monsters and solving puzzles. The game includes physical object interaction, physics-based puzzles, and a insanity bar mechanic.

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To counter insanity, players must rely on the few light sources available in the world. Another unique feature ofAmnesiais the lack of toggles on objects that you can interact with; for example, players must actually push or pull doors open with their mouse.

If you find that you enjoyAmnesia,I recommend also looking atPenumbrawhich has very similar gameplay elements.

The Secret of Grisly Manor Gameplay

I think Portal 2 is the best choice out of all the other puzzle games listed on here.

Lighthouse was by far my favorite game after myst. Very similar

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The Secret of Grisly Manor is slightly on the easy side when it comes to puzzle games though, making it perfect for younger children or novice puzzle adventurers, and a great way to break into the genre.

The majority of the series is available on Windows and Mac, making this platform your ideal option if you want to play them all. However, some are available for other platforms including Windows Phone, iOS, Xbox and PlayStation.

Axel and Pixel is an absolute bargain right now for the amount of content (24 game chapters in total). While the world and gameplay is a slight jump away from what Myst offers the overall vibe is very comparable.

Starting with your rescue of Iris in the Paint Tower her ability to turn drawings into real-life objects is a core mechanic that will serve you right up until the final story of a young by captured in the painted world of an evil wizard.

Definatly i would try portal 2 and portal 1. best games i have EVER played. non violent and have hard puzzles to solve. give it a good try!

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The puzzle-focused games in thePortalseries may lack the clue-collecting and variety of puzzles thatMystoffers, but still deserves inclusion on this list simply for its amazing physics-based puzzles and dark humour. Both titles are very enjoyable and if you are a fan of solving puzzles you wont be disappointed.

There are three games available in theDrawnseries;The Painted Tower,Dark FlightandTrail of Shadows(the games are available on Windows, Mac and iOS devices).

I love adventure games but wasnt a huge fan of the maze style. You have some great games here like the Drawn series and some I will try. Great list thanks.

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@anonymous: I also LOVED Shivers and didnt find Harvest nearly as good but Shivers is a great game that I never hear talked about!

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I have tried the drawn series and it is a great game to play for the whole family.

One of my favorite games like Myst was the Zork series. Zork Nemesis was fantastic and took my quite a while to play. I wish game makers would realize that not every game has to be about shooting and killing. Some of us older gamers still enjoy games like Myst and Zork.

Each title within the series offers an impressively unique art style, compelling storyline and amazing worlds that can be explored thoroughly. Its an absolute must play in order though as each game is intimately connected through the story and setting. Youll find that characters and game references also overlap so playing the titles in order does ensure the full experience.

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I found Axel and Pixel a unique experience, the mixture of mysteries, puzzle, and mini games had me hooked very early on, and it had a very Myst feel to it, despite being quite different in many ways.

TheMystseries is a great place to start, if you havent already played all six titles. They all offer a similar style of gameplay and polish. If you are yet to play them all, you are truly missing out on a wealth of puzzle adventures.

Machinariumis a puzzle adventure designed around a point-and-click interface. The gameplay and feel ofMachinariumare very similar to that ofMyst, despiteMachinariumbeing point-and-click. The game was originally available on Windows, Mac and Linux but has since been added to iOS devices and Android.

Axel & Pixelis your traditional point-and-click-style adventure and features many logic-based puzzles and riddles while presenting them in a unique way. The game contains four different chapters based on the four seasons and also features three different mini-games that are played several times throughout the adventure.

The Secret of Grisly Manor Gameplay

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Similar to the Myst titles I strongly recommend purchasing these options through to ensure complete compatibility with new computer systems and versions of Windows.

Players find themselves wandering through a mansion as they solve a variety of logical puzzles and unlock the story behind themselves, the mansion and their amnesia. Both of these games were the reason I got hooked on puzzle adventures such as Myst. These experiences are ones that many older gamers will remember and accordingly I cannot recommend them enough.

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Anyway, its just too bad that most of these arent available for my system, which runs Linux.

InMachinariumyou solve various brain teasers and puzzles that are linked together through an overworld.Machinariumis a unique adventure story that contains no dialogue (spoken or written), and apart from a few early tutorial prompts, the game does not use any form of understandable language, instead relying on animated thought bubbles.

Riddle of the Sphinx was fun too – set in Egypt of course.

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